Believing in yourself is powerful!
Halley Stocks Halley Stocks

Believing in yourself is powerful!

Your perception of control over your circumstances may be more important than the actual circumstances themselves.  Your mind is powerful and what you believe about yourself and your ability to influence your outcomes is powerful too.

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The Dangers of Ultra Processed Foods
Halley Stocks Halley Stocks

The Dangers of Ultra Processed Foods

UPFs now account for 57.5% of total energy intake in America and they are wreaking havoc on our minds and bodies. UPFs are linked to an increase in all cause mortality, cancer, type 2 diabetes, frailty, obesity, mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety and many more diseases.

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You Create Energy!
Halley Stocks Halley Stocks

You Create Energy!

There are absolutely days when I don’t feel like going to the gym… mornings when I don’t want to get out of my cozy bed when the early alarm goes off… long work days when the last thing I want to do is cook a healthy dinner, and then clean up, and then prepare my meals for the next day so I’m not caught in a bind without healthy options for lunch the next day. Even Goggins admits that there are days when he stares at his shoes in the corner and dreads putting them on, but he always does.

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Building will power, tenacity, and grit!
Halley Stocks Halley Stocks

Building will power, tenacity, and grit!

My point is that I had a lot of room to find excuses. We all do!  And I’m not here to down play any of the challenges in your life.  I know they are real.  But I am here to encourage you to use them as fuel for growth rather that baggage that weighs you down.  

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